"I Didn't Know What I Didn't Know"
I remember when I joined my very first network marketing
company over 16 years ago.
A "friend of a friend" found out that I really wanted to
stay home with my newborn baby girl and 3 1/2 year old boy
instead of working for someone else in the public school
system as a speech pathologist.
So this "friend of a friend" came over to explain what this
business was about and said that he had people that were helping
him grow his business and that we'd all be a team to build
this business.
I had absolutely no marketing skills whatsoever, but I was
told that I didn't need any marketing skills, that I'd be
taught what I need to do. I was so excited that I was going
to have a way to quit my stressful job and stay home with my
kids and work from home, so I signed up...and he was my sponsor.
I will not mention the name of the company or the person, but
after two weeks in this company, my sponsor ditched me. I have
no idea if he ditched just me, his team or the whole company,
but he did not return any of my phone calls, and was nowhere
to be found.
For the next 15 years, (before what I am doing now online)
I joined and quit...[or the company folded] more businesses
than I can even count any more.
I floundered so many time, but I really wanted to make this
network marketing (home based business) thing work. I was very
self-motivated and determined, but I was missing something
very important.
In this journey, I learned some very valuable lessons in all of
the mistakes I made in these businesses, and even more valuable
lessons in the one successful business I had before I decided to
go into the online marketing world.
The key factor in the business that was successful...was that I
had a sponsor that was also a mentor...more specifically, she
knew how to show me and her team how to make money from the very
second I signed up.
I had a set of instructions, daily plan of action, accountability
partners, etc. All I had to do was to follow the plan...and I did
...and I was successful. My mentor had taught me the importance of
being a mentor and leader...and a very big reason why my business
was successful is because there was a simple process and those who
follow it, become leaders themselves.
My previous experiences are an example of the phrase, "I didn't
know what I didn't know."
The point is...It wasn't until I had a successful, genuine mentor
that I realized why I continued to fail, over and over all those
years. I also recognized what qualities my mentor had...and I knew
that once I was ready to take my business into the online marketing
world, I was going to look for similar qualities in the mentor I
chose for my online marketing business...and ultimately what kind of
mentor and leader I have come to be.
For those of you looking for a true, genuine mentor, stay tuned...
In my next email, I will point out some key qualities that a good
mentor has. The kind of mentor that will make you money, as long as
you put in the time to learn, implement, and teach.
You deserve to win, so until the next time...
Take Care, God Bless, and Refuse To Lose,
Renee Sullivan
(Click my pic to connect)